FLISOL 2008 – Part II

The Ubuntu-ni Team really rocked FLISOL 2008! We managed to install Hardy on 37 desktops and laptops and burned and distributed literally hundreds of Ubuntu CDs.

Seven of our members were scheduled in the main conference programme and gave some interesting talks in a variety of topics, such as; Installing Gobuntu, Introduction to FOSS, OLPC and the XO Laptop, FOSS in the Public Sector, Ubuntu and Multimedia, LTSP and the Mono Project. This last conference via Ekiga from Miami, FL, with Igor Guerrero member of Ubuntu-ni and the Ubuntu Florida Team.

Karl Picado Jr. (8 years old) – Installing Gobuntu:

Sharon Gómez (13 years old) – OLPC and the XO Laptop:

Special thanks goes to SIMAS, our main sponsor, and the great FLISOL Staff in Managua, León and Juigalpa.

More photos in:

5 pensamientos en “FLISOL 2008 – Part II

  1. Igor dice:

    There was even chicks! :)…

  2. leogg dice:

    Yep… big part of the audience were women. Also, four of the speakers and many of the Staff Members in the Registration, Installfest and Stand Areas were women, members of the local LUGs and university students.

    Definitely, something big is going on in the gender front here in Nicaragua 🙂 Linuxchix rules!!

  3. Wow! it’s a good work, congrats! I think it’s a good idea make some CDs and pens, our next event in brazil we’ll make it!

  4. nasrullah dice:

    well my ubuntu friends ●●●●●●●●●●●bravo….

  5. nasrullah dice:

    well done my ubuntu friends ….bravo

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