DebConf needs you!

The 13th Debian Conference is just around the corner. DebConf12 will be held in Managua, Nicaragua, July 8-14, 2012, and we need your help!

Why should I care?

DebConf is the annual conference for Debian contributors and interested users. Previous Debian Conferences have featured speakers and attendees from around the world (DebConf11 had attendees from 46 different countries).

DebConf helps share the knowledge and experiences of individual developers with the entire community. It also helps promote enthusiasm for specialized areas of development and encourages discussions about Debian’s future.

The benefits that DebConf brings to the Debian project as a whole, and the larger Free Software community, will improve Debian —and by extension will help improve GNU/Linux for everyone, whether they use Debian (or a Debian derivative), or any other distribution.

How can I help?

DebConf is a lot to organize and pay for. We invite you to help that this is going to be a successfull event.

  • Since DebConf is an event organised by volunteers, its quality strongly depends on effort from these volunteers and as such every help is appreciated. Please check the Volunteering section to obtain more information
  • Without money we can not organize a Debconf. Donating is a great way to help us.
  • Do you want to be one of our generous sponsors? You can get nice publicity and contribute valuably to this DebConf.

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